Thursday, August 13, 2015

Sweat Tool - Sell Your Sweat at the Best Price

This utility calculates the effective price that you are selling your sweat when you refine it into ME and sell it at the auction or face-to-face trades.

This tool is still under development.  If you have any comments or find any program bugs, please let me know.



Simply enter the values in the Input Parameters section and click the "Click to Calculate" button.  The result of the calculation will be displayed in the Calculation Result section.


Input Parameters

MU of Force Nexus (%):

Which refiner are you using?

Amount of ME to sell (PED):

Do you want to specify the selling price of your ME by markup or PED?
Markup               PED


Calculation Result



How to Use this Utility

Example 1

If you are selling sweat and are wondering at the most profitable way to sell it, this utility can help.  Let's say you have 3 options:
  • Sell your sweat at 1.3 PED/k.
  • Buy Force Nexus at 104.5% and refine your sweat using a T-101, and sell the Mind Essence at 120% to another avatar through face-to-face trade.
  • Buy Force Nexus at 104.5% and refine your sweat using a T-101, and sell the Mind Essence at 124% at the auction in stacks of 50 PED each..

Sell Sweat Directly
Make ME and Sell to Another Avatar
Make ME and Sell at the Auction
Price of Sweat

In this example, you are most profitable selling your sweat by refining it into Mind Essence and selling it at the auction.

Example 2

If you are refining sweat and selling at the auction, this tool can help you to explore how much more profitable you can be by using a better refiner and selling larger stacks at the auction.  Let's consider 4 scenarios:
  • Scenario 1. You buy Force Nexus at 104.5% and refine your sweat using a T-101, and sell the Mind Essence at 120% to another avatar and through the auction at 124% in blocks of 50 PED.
  • Scenario 2. You buy Force Nexus at 104.5% and refine your sweat using a T-101, and sell the Mind Essence at 120% to another avatar and through the auction at 124% in blocks of 100 PED.
  • Scenario 3. You buy Force Nexus at 104.5% and refine your sweat using a T-105, and sell the Mind Essence at 120% to another avatar and through the auction at 124% in blocks of 50 PED.
  • Scenario 4. You buy Force Nexus at 104.5% and refine your sweat using a T-105, and sell the Mind Essence at 120% to another avatar and through the auction at 124% in blocks of 100 PED.

Make ME and Sell to Another Avatar
Make ME and Sell at the Auction
Price of Sweat
(Scenario 1)
Price of Sweat
(Scenario 2)
Price of Sweat
(Scenario 3)
Price of Sweat
(Scenario 4)

As you can see, selling larger stacks at the auction and using a better refiner definitely increases your profitability.  Do note that larger stacks normally sell for lower markup at the auction, so that will mitigate the reduction of the auction commission somewhat.  But if you are refining a lot, make sure you buy a better refiner as it will definitely pay for itself over the long run.

Example 3

If you are buying sweat to refine into Mind Essence, this tool will give you an idea of the price at which to buy your sweat for you to be profitable.


100 X Mind Essence = 0.01 PED
1 X Force Nexus = 0.01 PED
1000 X Vibrant Sweat = 0.01 PED

Want to start a simple Internet business based on
the ClixSense PTC website?

This ebook can help!


Related posts:

How to Sell Your Sweat at 2 PED/k - With a little strategy and patience, you might be able to get a good price for your sweat.

The Fair Price of Sweat in Entropia Universe - A way to estimate the fair price of sweat through the market price of Mind Essence.

Is the Fair Price of Sweat Really 2 PED/k? - If you want to be fairly compensated for your time and effort in gathering sweat, what should the price of sweat be?


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