Friday, August 14, 2015

Is the Fair Price of Sweat Really 2 PED/k?

Ever wondered why some people keep insisting that sweat should not be sold below 2 PED/k?

As someone who is working very hard at sweating, I'm sure that you have asked why it should be 2 PED/k.  In fact, you have heard that in the days when Calypso was young, when vehicles and spaceships and welding wire have yet to be invented, sweat changed hands at the princely sum of 6 PED/k!

And not too long ago, you may have heard of a sweat union hoping to acquire enough funds to stabilize the price of sweat at 4 PED/k, by buying unlimited quantities of sweat at 4 PED/k.  They had a founder, a CEO, a business plan and all that, but it seems that nothing came out of all that.

It seems that there is no real agreement as to what the price of sweat should be.  But, rather than pick an arbitrary price for sweat, is there a way that the price of sweat can be determined objectively?

There are a few ways that you can use to determine the fair price of sweat. For this post, let's just use one of the ways.

The people that keep insisting on the 2 PED/k price for sweat would usually mention that it takes time and effort for you to collect sweat, and as such, you should be reasonably compensated.  So, following this reasoning, let's come up with a price for sweat that is reasonable compensation for your time and efforts.

We will need to come up with 2 figures:
  • A reasonable financial compensation for each hour of your time.
  • The amount of sweat that you can gather for each hour that you sweat.

The Amount of Sweat Gathered Per Hour

The amount of sweat that you can gather per hour depends on many factors including:
  • The Skills of Your Avatar.
  • The Sweat Group.
  • The Mob that You are Sweating.
Through personal experience, and from the comments that I have read in chat, I think a figure of 500 bottles of sweat per hour should be a fair estimate and is probably on the high side.

Financial Compensation

How much do you think is fair for your time and effort in collecting the sweat?  This is an extremely tricky estimate and you probably would want to insert your own figure if you disagree with mine.

I would consider a figure of USD5.00 per hour as fair.  While this figure is rather low, the product in question is quite easy to make and does not require any specialized skills.

Sweating is not "full time" work, in that you can be afk some of the time and still be able to sweat efficiently.  Again, estimates will vary, but I will go with an estimate of 25%.  In other words, you can be absent or afk 75% of the time, and still be able to sweat efficiently.

I think it is fair that for each hour that you are paid, you are paid only for the time that you spend actively sweating and not for the time that you can be afk.

So, a reasonable income for your sweating time would be (USD5.00 X 25%), coming to USD1.25 per hour or 12.5 PED per hour.

Fair Price of Sweat

Finally, we have it.  The fair value of sweat is 12.5 PED for 500 bottles, or 25 PED/k.


Well, it seems that the guy insisting on 2 PED/k for sweat got it wrong.  2 PED/k for sweat is definitely not fair compensation for the time and effort that you have spent in gathering it.  So, the next time you see someone insisting on 2 PED/k as the minimum sweat price, tell him that he got it wrong   Tell him that if one is to be fairly compensated, the price must be at least 25 PED/k, and not a PEC lower than that.

This post is not to state that the fair price of sweat is 25 PED/k nor to encourage you to sell sweat at this price but rather, to highlight that the idea that the price of sweat is determined by the amount of time and effort spent gathering it does not work in Entropia.

The sweat buyer does not care about how hard it is to gather the sweat or the time needed.  The sweat buyer is only interested in the market price of sweat, and how he can buy it at the lowest price possible.  The market in Entropia is a free market and just like in all free markets, virtual or in real life, the buyers will try to get what they want for as low a price as possible.


In some cases, sweat is looked at as a special commodity, a product that is produced by those just starting out in Entropia,  Thus, in an effort to help the newbies, there is this idea that sweat should not be priced at lower than 2 PED/k, or some other arbitrary figure.

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Related posts:

How to Sell Your Sweat at 2 PED/k - With a little strategy and patience, you might be able to get a good price for your sweat.

The Fair Price of Sweat in Entropia Universe - A way to estimate the fair price of sweat through the market price of Mind Essence.

Sweat Tool - Sell Your Sweat at the Best Price - This tool will tell you the most profitable to sell your sweat.


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